Optima Predictions

Optima Predictions

The “what if” has gone from speculation to something verifiable. Optima Predictions is a revolutionary modeling and prediction tool that provides accurate, real-time results for potential scenarios in your shrimp business. Our artificial intelligence understands and learns from your shrimp for maximum precision. When you can forecast, any waste of resources on trial and error ends. Simply monitor different possible outcomes by changing variables. Now you can confidently make key decisions about your production and harvest.
Optima Predictions replaces old, non-predictive methods like Excel, PowerBI, and other generic software prone to human error, with an intelligent, reliable, user-friendly, and easy-to-use technological solution. This tool ushers in the era of Dynamic Precision Farming for shrimp. A tool that translates data into results, with the ability to generate a variety of graphs that allow you to navigate the future to make timely decisions in the present.

Set up scenarios and compare these predictions with actual results to understand the predictive power of this tool. Control over your money has never been closer to you than it is now.
Some examples of what you can do with Optima Predictions. The possibilities are endless:

  • Before making decisions, make adjustments and simulations in your projections, then approve real scenarios.
  • Forecast results of different feeding strategies.
  • Consult predictive growth model of your shrimp.
  • Helps you adjust your variables well before harvest.
  • Allows you to calculate the most profitable date for your harvest.
  • Improves every decision to maximize profitability.